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  • Istituto di BioRobotica

service robotics in sanitation, LOGISTICS, and INDUSTRy 4.0: new CROWDFUNDING initiative launched to support CO-ROBOTICS, a SANT’ANNA school biorobotics institute SPIN-OFF company

Publication date: 14.07.2020
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Its new robot was launched in Massa Heart Hospital “G. Pasquinucci” - Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio a few weeks ago to help disinfect surfaces and large settings that may be contaminated with COVID-19. Created by the Sant’Anna School Biorobotics Institute in 2016, the spin-off Co-Robotics supports research and development on integrated automation systems embodying artificial intelligence, robotic and automation innovating technologies that can impact sanitation techniques to defeat viruses as well as the most innovative therapies for patients with motor impairments, surveillance systems for public spaces or the human-robot interaction in Industry 4.0.

The Back to Work crowdfunding campaign to finance the spin-off set up by Filippo Cavallo and Manuele Bonaccorsi is currently open. With a core mission of economic development and technology transfer beyond the boundaries of the academic sector, Co-Robotics can design advanced robotic applications using the best available engineering technology for critical sectors such as healthcare, industry, logistics and transportation.

This crowdfund presents a unique opportunity to invest in the robotic platform MoveR-1 expanding funding options in the innovation research and development arena to the public-private sector partnership. Co-Robotics will be focusing on making robots manufacturing more sustainable: MoveR-1 is an eco-friendly product using its onboard sensors to adapt to changes in the environment. This UV-C autonomous disinfecting robot, which has been proven to be effective at killing viruses and bacteria, would adjust its performance according to the tasks in a healthcare logistics context, business processes, factories or warehouses to help keep human workers at safe distances.

For more information, please see the crowdfunding website and watch the Co-Robotics video presentation.